About the Preserve
The Preserve at Botany Bay is located at the western tip of the Island of St. Thomas, USVI, with dramatic views overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. The guiding principle of The Preserve at Botany Bay is to create, within its tropical island setting, a unique, private community that preserves and enhances the integrity of the natural landscape and the wildlife and flora habitat for future generations to enjoy.
While The Preserve at Botany Bay is a private, gated community, visitors are welcome to park outside of the gates and take an extended walk to two of the property beaches: Mermaids Chair and Sandy Bay.
We hope this map of the Preserve and list of Rules and Regulations for visitors is helpful Guests wishing to visit the beaches must sign in at the Security Gate house with a government issued ID and sign a liability waiver before commencing a lovely, but challenging walk on steep terrain – and back up- from either beach. (Note: there are no amenities; water, bathrooms, life-saving equipment, etc. at either beach.) The beach hours are 7:00 AM until 5:00 PM.

Sales information for The Preserve at Botany Bay is available through Curreri Realtors. All lot owners automatically become members of the Sandy Bay Owners Association and are subject to the Annual Dues, Building Guidelines, and Rules of the Preserve and the Association.